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Data Analysis Tools


Extension plugin of the SNAP program to analyze and process data from GOCI/GOCI-II

Minimum Specification

  • RAM : 4GB or higher
  • GPU: Recommended to use a 3D graphic card
  • OS : 32, 64 bit windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Download and install SNAP GTBX

  • Currently, the GTBX plugin can be installed in the SNAP 10.0 version.
No. File Name Install File Instruction
1 Download and install SNAP 10.0 download No download files
2 Download and install GTBX v.1.0.10. Plugin download download
Installation Method Add Plugin from SNAP
  1. Select “Tools” → “Plugins
  2. Select “Downloaded” → “Add Plugins” → GTBX nbm
  3. Click the "install" button and perform the installation
Check the installation Check the Plugin installed in SNAP
  1. Select “Tools” → “Plugins”
  2. Check the GTBX item from the "Installed" tab